O Diva de Portugal

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sábado, junho 19, 2004


Como o - extensíssimo....que horror! - post anterior pode comprovar sou um indefectível fanático de música. E essa paixão provém exactamente de momentos como este. É espantosa a forma como, de repente, entendemos exactamente, verso a verso, aquilo que uma música quer dizer. Mesmo que, como neste caso, já conheça a música de há muito. De repente, a banda tira-me sentimentos e palavras por dizer e transforma-os em guitarras distorcidas e versos gritados em fúria. O sentimento é…sublime.
Check it out:

Whatever - by Godsmack

And I wonder, day to day
I don't like you anyway
I don't need your shit today
Your pathetic in your own way

I feel for you, better fucking go away
I will behave, better fucking go away

I'm doing the best I ever did
I'm doing the best that I can
I'm doing the best I ever did

I don't need to fantasize
You are my pets all the time
I don't mind if you go blind
You get what you get until you're through with my life

I feel for you, better fucking go away
I will behave, you better go away
[Repeat 1X]

I'm doing the best I ever did
I'm doing the best that I can
I'm doing the best I ever did
Now go away
[Repeat 1X]

I'm doing the best I ever did, go away
I'm doing the best that I can, go away
[Repeat 1X]

I'm doing the best I ever did
I'm doing the best that I can
I'm doing the best I ever did
Now go away
[Repeat 2X]

I'm doing the best I ever did, go away
I'm doing the best that I can

P.S.: Obrigado Carolina pelo CD...e por tudo o resto.

quarta-feira, junho 16, 2004

The Temple

· Review - "Metal Reference" - 07/06/2004
"(...) I think the small “1 Min. And Life” is one of the greatest tracks on the CD and there are other small pearls hiding. Again and again you are conjured into singer João Luis’ dreaming world where all things float together in a higher unity. This is where you really find the CD’s plusses. It’s long time since I have heard such a strong vocal as Luis’. Your mind can be lead on to (not an overall comparison) Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, just with a tonne of more energy, clean sound and a dirrrty southern accent.
In my opinion, this very varied album Diesel Dog Sound sets a new standard for the NU-metal, even more than I could dare to think of." 5/6 - JaKob - Full Article >>>

· Review - LoudPlanet
"Portugal's The Temple show a rare diversity. From electro-punk through to thrashy-stylings, via nu-metal tinged rock, each song is an encyclopaedia of heavy music. Also, some local flavoured rhythms on tracks like 'Drum' and 'Falling' – the latter mixing accordion with heavy guitar riffs – only adds to the bizarre nature of the whole album. It does, however, work quite well, in an unnatural sort of way and has to be one of the most original albums of the year so far."

· Review - "A Capital" - 16/05/2004
"Confesso que quando ouvi os primeiros acordes deste disco, ainda em 2003, me arrepiei. (...) este é sem dúvida o melhor álbum nacional de heavy metal que alguma vez ouvi.(...)". 10/10 - Cameraman Metálico

· Review - KERRANG UK - 05/05/2004
"Bludgeoning debut from portuguese heavy rockers. - The Lowdown: When you think of Portugal, blackclad metallers may not spring to mind. The Temple will change all that as this is one of the most intense, intelligent records you'll hear all year. Their passionate delivery is compelling, but what makes this so striking is the way they add their own spice to the tried and tested heavy rock formula, peppering pounding drums, frenzied guitars and chunky riffs with accordians and latin rythms. It's a bizzare combination, but it works to magnificent effect" KKKK/5

· Review Noise Culture - Adrian Luther-Smith
"(...) With tight, abrasive riffs and sharp delivery, The Temple blast out an incendiary mix of metal and punk that's immediately accessible (...) there's some great guitar work on Devil's Lover, which develops into thrash operatic territory towards its climax and the Iron Maiden-influenced lead on Ticket Please is gratifyingly glorious. Last track Soul Tattoo is a real mosh pit filler, with that wonderful gentle/loud approach that works so well in live settings.
On the strength of Diesel Dog Sound, The Temple deserve to be internationally acknowledged, so let's hope that rock's traditionally Transatlantic focus won't hamper their progress. Maybe I should make Portugal my holiday destination this year?" - Full Article >>>

· Review Audiocratic - Richard Greenaway
"Portuguese hybrid band, The Temple, unleash their latest release on the world in ‘Diesel Dog Sound’. The band have a severe power that I can only describe as a rabid dog that could bite you at anytime and I say that because once you get your head round the heaviness the band play, you will actually find the song damn infectious. The Temple use some brilliant choruses to draw you in a treat before pounding on you for doing so, this album contains all the metal heaviness to fulfil your quota, believe me, but the band also add in some rock diversity for good measure. (...) This band is a must hear (...) The Temple are one unique heavy rocking band that you should check out, it’s certainly an experience." Full Article >>>

· The Temple featured on FENDER GUITARS EUROPE - Band News
"Out of the blue comes one of the heaviest albums of the year so far – Diesel Dog Sound. However, what makes this impressive debut stand out from its contemporaries is its mixture of punishingly hard rock and traditional folk instrumentation. The Temple's sound is akin to none other, with the band's guitarist José Carlos's Jackson® riffs weaving in and out of the sound of an accordion, set to Latin rhythms and the odd smattering of classical guitar. It's a compelling album and well worth a listen."

· Review - musicOMH - 25/04/2004
"(...) To say that Portugal has produced metal bands (any bands?) with international reputations is an overstatement. To argue the claim is futile but The Temple could soon break the mold. They have a furious sound that is exemplified in their latest opus for Copro Records. Diesel Dog Sound has been produced by a band who know what kind of music they want to make and who are destined for greater things. A tour is rumoured for the autumn - I urge you to go along. (...)"

Provavelmente nenhuma das pessoas que leu este post alguma vez tinha ouvido falar dos The Temple. Não que isso seja de alguma forma surpreendente, muito pelo contrário. O metal ainda não tem assim tanta expressão em Portugal e, mesmo que tivesse, ninguém é obrigado a gostar e a conhecer. Eu próprio, sincero mea-culpa, só os conheço de há uns meses para cá, isto apesar de a banda já contar com largos anos de actividade. O que realmente me motivou a escrever este post não foi simplesmente dizer que o novo álbum é espantosamente bom, apesar de virtualmente impossível de encontrar em Portugal. Não… o que realmente me motivou a escrever este post foi ter de ouvir OS MESMOS MÚSICOS DE SEMPRE, que andam a fazer a MESMA MÚSICA DE SEMPRE desde que eu os conheço, a reclamar mais espaço nos media, leia-se airplay na rádio, sobre o pretexto da divulgação da música portuguesa. Divulgação?! Os nomes e as caras que eu vejo ligadas a essa exigência são precisamente aqueles que nunca conseguiram levar o nome de Portugal a lado nenhum. Precisamente aqueles que estão há anos e anos instalados no marasmo criativo nacional que eles próprios ajudaram a criar. Os Moonspell passaram o ano percorrendo o globo em digressão com os Craddle of Filth e os Type O-Negative (bandas de topo a nível mundial na cena do metal), levando - esses sim! - o nome de Portugal a todo o mundo. O Pedro Abrunhosa nem em Badajoz consegue um concerto. Qual deles “divulga” a música nacional? E qual deles passa nas rádios? Mais airplay nas rádios? Serve apenas para satisfazer os mesmos nomes “consagrados” da proto-indústria discográfica portuguesa. O tempo do cançonetismo folclórico e das estrelas feitas no Festival da Canção já acabou há muito. Querem dar o reconhecimento devido a quem faz algo por divulgar a música portuguesa lá fora? Leiam as críticas, todas de sites e edições consagradas, feitas ao novo álbum dos The Temple e vejam quem põe o nome de Portugal no circuito mundial.

P.S.:Honrosa excepção seja deita à Antena 3, neste caso em particular, ao Alta Tensão de António Freitas.

domingo, junho 13, 2004

Ok...Estou realmente a passar por uma crise de identidade...

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

E após o repensar dalgumas respostas e uma busca no diccionário do significado de certas palavras....

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

Isto são só estereotipos...toda e qualquer semelhança com a realidade é pura coincidência...:D

Eis o meu resultado.... Impressionante, hein?

Faça você também Que
gênio-louco é você?
Uma criação de O Mundo Insano da Abyssinia